Surprising ways to make your child care for the environment


 One of the most prominent trends right now is “sustainable consumption” of resources. Many (although still a minor segment) adults are waking up to the fact that it is very important to consume resources keeping in mind that not all of it is for us and we should not be exhausting them in such a way that there is nothing left for the upcoming generations.

Parents are becoming conscious regarding environmental threats and want to have the same feeling in their child. Here is how that can be done : –


Gamify the process of keeping environment clean: –

While government is promoting campaigns like Swach Bharat Abhiyaan, it’s important for us as parents to promote the feeling of cleanliness among children. Make sure they never throw away stuff at home and eventually follow the same philosophy in parks and on roads. Make sure you follow the same as well.

You can ramify the process by rewarding every time they throw trash in the garbage at home or outside. After accumulation of certain points you can offer them something tangible like a new set of crayons, books etc.


Take them out

Take them out, let them enjoy the beauty of nature around them. Let them see things and tell them about things they are curious about.

You can follow up by telling them about nature, our natural resources and the threats they face. Tell them about the importance of conserving them.

Let them connect to the environment and improve their fitness and psychological well being in the process.


Promote eating veggies

Did you know? One of the biggest cause of climate change is livestock production. Infact, through its contribution of over half of all global greenhouse gas emissions every year, it is one of the biggest cause of global warming.

Help them enjoy veggies with many delicious recipes that can be tried out with them. It is one of the easiest ways for them to contribute towards the environment.

Let’s make future better for our children by involving them smartly.

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